Last updated: October 7, 2019
Parcelf respects your privacy, and we only collect the minimum amount of information necessary to operate the Parcelf service. AUOD (澳德物流), AuExpress (澳邮中国快递), CNPEX(中邮快递), SHL(畅灵国际物流) are products powered by Parcelf, which also apply to this Privacy Policy.
Tracking Parcels
Your tracking parcels are stored on your phone. Apart from the parcels that you subscribe to update notifications and request logs mentioned below, we don’t keep any records of your parcels on our servers.
When you track a parcel, the app needs to transmit some details to the Parcelf servers in order to request real-time data and only the basic info that is relevant to your parcels like tracking numbers and aliases and your device token will be stored in order to push parcel updates. All communications between the app and our servers are encrypted.
The Parcelf servers keep logs of all requests for security and diagnostic purposes. These logs include the IP address of every request but are otherwise anonymous. Request logs are automatically deleted on a regular basis.
We may analyse request logs to gather anonymous usage statistics, including request counts and general usage patterns.
Parcelf uses the App Store’s service to collect anonymous usage information, including the number of active users and operating system versions.
We also use the App Store’s service to collect crash reports. These reports are used to diagnose and fix crashes. They do not contain any personal information.
The free version of Parcelf contains advertisements provided by third-party advertising services. These advertising services may use the advertising ID from the device to provide personalised ads. They may also use the current location of the device to provide location based advertising.